
State, local, and federal resources

State and Local Organizations
The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC)
The Boston Public Health Commission supports a number of programs, including Child, Adolescent, and Family Health, Community Health, Emergency Medical Services, Homeless Services, Infectious Diseases, and Substance Abuse Services. Additionally, their website provides information on bioterrorism- on what the City of Boston has done, and what you can do, to prepare for possible attacks. This includes specific information on different biological and chemical agents and fact sheets which are available in many languages.

Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH)
“Helping People Lead Healthy Lives in Healthy Communities,” the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Health works to promote healthy people, families, communities and environments through compassionate care, education and prevention. Includes an A-Z index of Health Topics.

Rhode Island Department of Health
The Rhode Island Department of Public Health seeks to prevent disease as well as protect and promote the health and safety of the people of Rhode Island. Their site includes Public Health News, Programs and Services, Publications, Data and Statistics, and Health Topics from A-Z.

Federal Organizations
Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry (ATSDR)
ATSDR’s mission is to protect America’s health from toxic exposures. Accordingly, their website features extensive information on hazardous substances, their health effects, and the National Priorities List (NPL) of sites where a significant threat to public health might exist. It also includes updates on the most current news regarding toxic hazards.

American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC)
The AAPCC site includes links to all the nation’s Poison Centers, as well as a link the more public oriented

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
This website includes a wide range of information, including Health & Safety Topics such as Environmental Health and Health Promotion. Also includes links to CDC publications and information on current and upcoming health issues and events. Several departments within the EPA are particularly valuable resources with regard to poisons and health:

The CDC’s Emergency Preparedness and Response site provides information emergency and disaster planning, including facts on possible biological and chemical agents.

The CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health site shares information on a number of health problems that can result from interactions between people and their environment, including such topics as lead and carbon monoxide poisoning.

The CDC’s National Institute for Occupation and Health site conveys important information on workplace safety and health, such as potential chemical exposure or injury at work.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
The Department of Homeland Security site encourages visitors to be ready, rather than afraid, and provides information on possible terrorist threats and emergency preparedness. Users should also consult, discussed below.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
This website links to many aspects of the EPA, including recent press releases, regulatory action, databases and much more.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Contains information on foods, drugs, biologics, devices, cosmetics, toxicology, hot topics and up to date news releases.

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
HRSA’s website includes information on the many programs which they support in their efforts to expand comprehensive, quality health care. Topics range from maternal and child health, to under served communities health initiatives, to HIV/AIDS services.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Contains information on news and events, health information, library catalogs and journals, grant information and links to the other organizations that make up NIH.

United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Contains information to help keep American families safe by reducing the risk of injury or death from consumer products. Includes product recall and safety information and a library of related information; visitors can also sign up for email updates of consumer safety news.

United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
The US DHHS website includes extensive information on all aspects of health and well being, from Diseases and Conditions, to Safety and Wellness, to Disasters and Emergencies, and Families and Children.

United States Department of Geological Services (USGS)
The USGS site provides information on the earth, natural and living resources, natural hazards and disasters, and the environment. The site includes sections for teachers and children, and specific information on certain toxic substances found in the environment.

Education resources

Poison Prevention Week Council

This website provides information about the Poison Prevention Week Council and the events of National Poison Prevention Week, which aims to help prevent accidental poisonings. It includes useful downloadable materials, frequently asked questions, and extensive links to valuable external educational, governmental, private sector organizations.
The National Library of Medicine’s ToxTown is a terrific interactive website. An exploration of all facets of town and city life through this fun and colorful interface reveals commonly encountered toxic and environmental risks., a division of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, is designed to inform and prepare the American public with regard to potential terrorist threats or emergencies. The site explains how people can assemble an emergency kit, make a plan, and become informed in order to be most ready for a possible attack. Visit for specific information on biological, chemical and other possible threats, as well as to download the brochure “Preparing Makes Sense. Get Ready Now.” Additionally, the site has a comprehensive list of other useful internet resources. The front page is also regularly updated to notify the public of the latest news and alerts regarding potential threats.

Plants and Animals
Cornell University’s Poisonous Plants Informational Database includes a searchable database, an alphabetical listing of poisonous plants (which can be viewed by common or Latin names), pictures of the poisonous plants, information on the toxic agents found in plants, and links to other poisonous plant resources.

Emergency Preparedness

Poison Centers are an important part of Emergency Preparedness and Response plans across the Country.  The expertise and resources at the Poison Center can help communities identify and respond to nuclear, biological and chemical exposures.

If you think you have come into contact with a biological agent or have good reason to suspect bioterrorism, contact 911 to notify the authorities and emergency medical response.

For poison help contact the Poison Center, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 1-800-222-1222.

Below is a list of resources to help families, workplaces and communities learn more about Emergency Preparedness Resources:

Professional resources

Professional Organizations
American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT)
The ACMT is a group of physicians board certified in medical toxicology who focus on the diagnosis and management of poisoning, toxicity and other adverse health effects due to medications, chemicals, occupational and environmental toxins, as well as biological hazards. Their site includes a physician/ toxicologist search, links to the Internet Journal of Medical Toxicology, Toxicology resource reference materials, and information on grants.

American Academy of Clinical Toxicology (AACT)
A resource for scientists and clinicians regarding research, education, prevention and treatment of diseases caused by chemicals, drugs and other toxins